OHMA EXHIBITS: a collection of interactive oral history encounters

Hai visto quante cose ti ho detto? (You see how many things I told you?) (2022)

By Martina Lancia

Each and every one of us, if we stop to think about it, will find people that we would like to keep with us forever, people that walk with us through life, that met us in adulthood or that life brought on our path in the strangest ways. This project is an attempt to preserve in time the memories, stories, and lives of the people who represent that for me. They are people that I would like to keep with me and hold on to forever, and this is the way I’ve found to crystalize their time. These people represent different moments and people throughout my life, but they’re also representative of stories that tie all of us together. They’re our grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and parents: the people we love and that make us who we are.

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